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Questions about water other visitors have asked.

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ibiza, balearic islands  
I live on Ibiza; there’s no drinkable water here. The local network Aqualia provides chlorine and contaminated water that is not drinkable. So everyone …

Pollution in Americas waterways 
What percentage of America's waterways are polluted? Nancy's response: The latest percentage I am aware of is 55% but that was from an EPA report …

Bacteria in pipes after whole house filtration 
Would bacteria grow inside the pipes of the house after chlorine is removed with the whole house filtration system at the point of entry? Response: …

Muddy dirty water in the old days 
how did one survive when all you have in the area was muddy dirty water?

Reverse Osmosis studies 
My reading indicates that on balance RO (I'm interested in under sink) systems have more detriments (e.g. too much mineral filtration) than advantages …

5 Gallon Water Bottle Filters 
I have a Whirlpool hot and cold water dispenser and instead of using a refill station or taking the empty bottles for exchange, I was wondering if you …

Additives to water to stop pipe corrosion 
Our strata said yes to a program that will have our water treated with chemicals that (supposedly) will slow the pipe corrosion. I am concerned about …

Remove copper from shower water? 
Hi, We have a whole house filtration and softener system already. However, hair is turning green. We have new copper pipes and I read that this can …

Ecoli Test Result 
I have test the Drinking water sample in the Water testing Laboratory for Ecoli. The result says that Ecoli value is 22. What it means? and What the problems …

Main water source comes from a local cave in Philippines 
Hello. I recently moved to the Philippines where our main water source comes from a local cave. It may run through the irrigation system, which i cannot …

Thoughts on Radiant Life? 
I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Radiant Life EcoFast Direct Connect System and how they would fit into your rating systems? I just purchased …

Causes of water pollution 
There are 9 causes of water pollution namely: urbanisation, deforestation, damming of rivers, destruction of wetlands, industries, mining, agriculture, …

Should I drink R.O. water or bottled water? 
Good morning, I would appreciate some advice please. During a chance conversation with a new work colleague, we were talking about drinking RO treated …

How to Raise pH Levels 
QUESTION: Hi Nancy, Enagic kangen machine warranty is not lifetime and it's too expensive. If a product is very good, why do customers have to pay …

Using waste water 
Thanks for all the info! I had a quick question. I was planning to reuse grey water from my house (washing machine, shower, basin) to water my garden and …

Whole house water system and water softener 
Hi, thank you so much for your help. Yes, you are right Crystal Quest site is overwhelming. I feel so confused by all the reading I've been doing. I think …

Water, Celtic sea salt and low blood sugar 
Hello Nancy, I have some questions for you. I weigh 105 lbs. I use two liters of filtered water containing 1/4 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt in each liter. …

Best Shower Filter for Copper and Chlorine 
Thank you for this site! I am recently aware of the adverse effects of copper in my chronic health issues and am wanting to filter my water accordingly. …

Water systems for well water with high ph 
We have a well and were told our ph was too high. It is eating up brass fittings, faucet parts,etc. So what kind of whole house system do we need? …

Crohns, colitis, drugs and water 
QUESTION: Thank you for the information you have sent out, Nancy. I appreciate it. My question/need/research which led me to find your site has …

How to Raise pH of RO Water 
QUESTION: We thought we were doing a good thing to RO filter our drinking water after the softener, but it turns out the pH is 6.3. The well water …

Swimming in Chlorine 
I just read the article about the dangers of chlorinated drinking water. I recently joined a swim club to try to get back in shape. The pool is highly …

Drinking water and oxygen 
QUESTION: Hi Nancy, I was a smoker and have been diagnosed with COPD and had a heart attack in January this year. I have had to use oxygen since …

Minerals from Food vs Minerals in Water 
QUESTION: I am wondering if it is possible to obtain all of the minerals that your body needs from food, does anyone know please??? RESPONSE: …

Hard bath water 
In my house, water is hard and salty so I can't bathe in this because it's making skin allergy and dry-hair like issues. So I need a solution for this …

Drrinking rainwater 
Hi, I live off grid in a remote part of Spain & harvest rainwater from the roof & upstairs terrace that is then stored in underground tanks. It's then …

Trihalomethanes in Water - How to Reduce Them in My Home 
QUESTION: We have been informed by the city that we have an unacceptably high level of THMs in our water. I would like your advice on filter systems …

Drinking sparkling water 
Is sparkling water ok to drink, & if so, how much in a day? ANSWER: Sparkling water (also known as carbonated water, fizzy water, seltzer water, …

Best method to treat coliform or e-coli bacteria 
Hi Nancy, can you tell me the best method to remove e-coli or coliform bacteria? ANSWER: Subin, I am not sure if you are asking what is the best …

Drinking water early morning on empty stomach 
Drinking water (liquids) early morning waking at odd hours (people working in shifts) on empty stomach - the related side effects & remediation. Consumption …

Under sink filter for existing faucet 
Can you recommend an under sink water filter that uses my existing faucet? ANSWER: Sorry, but I am not aware of any under sink water filters that …

Acidic water 
We bought a full house water softener because our water is very hard as well as very acidic. However, I have heard it is not good to drink softened …

Benefits of a Liver Flush and a Liver Cleanse 
QUESTION: I would be very interested in what you have to say about liver/gallbladder flushes, and I believe there is a liver cleanse. How does it …

How to recover from drinking distilled water? 
QUESTION: Hi, I've been drinking distilled water for more than a year, and now I'm feeling pretty sick. Could you please tell me ways to recover …

Best Water Systems 
QUESTION: I live in Burbank, California, and the water is 14 grains hard. Do I need a softener? My skin itches all the time and our dishwasher is …

Water consumption rate 
Hi, I was wondering if there was any guidance about how fast a person should consume water. Would it matter if I always drank water by chugging 6-8 …

Reverse Osmosis Filter in India 
I read your articles about reverse osmosis and its disadvantages and I found your website very helpful. I have a question related to my reverse osmosis …

Water Filter System for Water Softener 
We have well water with hardness 27 grains, iron 4.5 ppm, sulfur 0.2 ppm and total dissolved solids 125 ppm. We have a water softener and iron reducer …

Kangen Water for Crohns Disease 
Hello, Nancy, I came across your site while attempting to research options for my chronic and sometimes dangerous dehydration requiring IV fluid replacement. …

Why Can I Not Get Hydrated? 
Hello! I ran into your site looking for the reason why it's so hard for me to get hydrated. I think now after so many years I'm realizing for the 1st …

Fluoride and Chlorine Filtration 
Dear Nancy, what if the public water is not suitable for drinking because it contains fluoride? What system do you recommend then? And if I use a …

How Much Water and Allergies 
Question: Hello Nancy, First time visiting your site. Signed up to receive emails. My question is - How many ounces at a time can the body actually …

Water Cooler vs Bottled Water 
Question: At work we have the standard 5 gallon purified water cooler. We heard spring water is better for you, as it provides more minerals and hydrates …

History of Drinking Water 
Question: What do you know about the history of drinking water treatment? WBH response: The history of drinking water treatment has been a long …

Best Fluoride Water Filter 
Question: Hi Nancy, what filter would you recommend for taking out fluoride and radiation as well as all the other bad stuff, without taking out the …

Tru Alka Water Review 
Question: Hi, just curious if you've heard/tried/know about "tru-alka" water? There's quite a bit of pros and cons on alkaline water as far as benefit …

Water Filter for Bladder Cancer 
Question: I live in Newcastle. Our water is awful. I have bladder cancer and I also react to many things, including chlorine. This is preventing me from …

Distilled vs Purified 
Question: What is the difference between distilled water and purified? When I read about the various types of water, distilled and purified are often …

How Much Water to Drink 
Question: I would like clarity on hydrotherapy. Am I supposed to take four glasses of water or one glass of water immediately after I wake up? How …

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Visitor Comments

"This was the best and most straight forward info on the net yet. I asked a question and got an answer that made sense. Thank you so much!" - Linderlinder

FINALLY!!! I have been wondering about this for years with no 'solid' answer. This is exactly what I've been wanting to know! Thank you for this share..." by Andy

"Thank you for the information, Nancy. I appreciate it. Your article and findings are very helpful,  referring to dehydration." -  Carolyn

"Lemon water is one drink both my wife and I can't drink. It upsets our stomachs. We are in our sixties and in very good healthwell, better health now that we drink about 2 liters plus of water each day. It has made so much difference to our digestive systems and recovery every day. Thank you for your website and effort." - Rod